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Risk Management - Approach and Methodology for Effective Business Operations

Objective /Benefits


Managing risks is a key element of effective organization. To remain competitive, the management cannot afford to set up contingencies or control measures for every conceivable risk. Rather, they must assess each risk and develop a response proportionate to the risk. This course introduces learners to widely accepted risk assessment, management, and control practices using effective tools and techniques. This course also gives an insight into the legal implications if risks are not managed effectively. 
This caters for any business operations that wishes to engage effective risk management practices.


> In-depth understanding of the types of risks that threaten at any given time. 
> Knowledge of strategies used by highly successful management team to recognize risks, assess probabilities and potential impacts, and take steps to respond to risks 
> Skills in using proven risk identification and analysis tools to identify, analyze, rank, and quantify risk.
> Insight into the statistical theory and analytical tools which are the foundation for probability estimations used to analyze and plan for managing risk.


> Plan Risk Management — Who is responsible for risk management, who should perform the risk analysis, when should it be done and when should it be reviewed and updated? 
> Identify Risk — What are the most critical risks facing an organization, and how can they be determined? 
> Analyzing Potential Risk Probability and Impact — What tools are available to determine risk factors, to determine which risks should be focused on, and to determine what can be done to remove or reduce the potential impact on organizational activities? 
> Building a Risk Response Plan — How should the management team address each recognized risk, assign it to  team members, build in contingencies, develop a mitigation or avoidance strategy, and accept the risk? 
> Selecting Project Control Tools Using Proportionate Expenditure — What are the appropriate control tools that can help to mitigate and manage identified risks in various situations?


Program Outline


Introduction and Overview of ISO 31000: Risk Management
- Principles and Guidelines

Risk and Uncertainty
- Risk & Uncertainty Analysis
- Degree of Risk
- Risk Measurement
- & Hazard
- How do we classify risks
- Risk affecting human and the Business Environment
- Risk & Human
- Managing Risks

Overview of the Risk Management Process & Administration
- How ?
-  Definition of Risk Management (Enterprise Risk Management and  
   Integrated Risk Management)
- The Risk Management Process
- Risk Management Plan
- Duties and Roles of a Risk Manager
- Existing and Potential Risk – Identification
- Evaluating and Risk
- Selection and Implementation of appropriate Loss Prevention / Reduction Techniques
- Monitoring and Reviewing the Risk Management Process
-  Risk Management Tools
- Cost and Benefits of Risk Management

Setting the Risk Management Objectives
- Identifying and establishing the objectives of Risk Management
- the Risk Management
- Controlling the Risk Management Function
- Drafting a Risk Management Policy
- Devising a Risk Management Plan (Framework)

Risk Identification and Analysis
- Perception and treatment of risks
- Attitudes / reaction towards risks.
- Identifying risk – Identification practise and techniques
- Identifying tools
- Risk Analysis of Potential Frequency and Gravity (severity) of losses.
- Selection & Implementation of the most appropriate Risk Management Technique
- Monitoring and reviewing suitability of management technique

Risk Evaluation and Assessment Techniques
-  Risk Assessment Plan
- Risk Measurement
- Hazard and Loss Analysis
- Cause of Accidents and related theories
- Threat & Risk Analysis Risk Matrix (Basic Introduction and Understanding)
- Impact of Risk
- Management of threat and risk – Damage Control and Mitigation Plan
- Case Study

Short Video Presentation

Property Risks
- Identification and Analysis of Loss Exposure
- Types of Property and Values Exposed to Loss
- Risk Factors Causing Property Loss
- Financial Impact of property loss
- Techniques to identify Property Loss Exposure
- Risk Mitigation Plan    

Liability Resulting from Risk Factor Materialisation 
- Legal liability
- Legal liability risk
- Factors influencing legal liability risks
- Nature of legal liability in business
- Torts and legal liability
- Contract and legal liability
- Employers liability for injuries to employees
- Product Liability
- Risk Mitigation Plan                       

Personnel Loss Exposure Analysis
- Physical and human assets
- Employee Exposure Evaluation & Analysis
- Analysing Accidents at the Workplace
- Managing Employee Risk

 Risk In Various Elements of the Organisation – Operational Risks
- Human Resources
- Procurement
- Security and Safety 
- Concept of Risk – Brand Protection

Case Study and Classroom discussion on various Risk Management Strategies adopted at various organisation and government bodies.

Corporate Risk Control
- Risk Management Techniques
- Introduction to risk control
- Importance of  risk control
- Role of government / authorities in risk control
- Theory of Accidental Causation and Control
- Risk control measures for specific risks
- Risk Control Methodology
- Damage Control Plan / Measures

Risk Management vs Crisis Management
- What does Risk Management do
- What happens when risk management fails or when risks are ignored
- Crisis Management and its related ingredients
- Preference?
- Implementation of both Risk Management and Crisis Management

Video of Failed Risk Management Plan / Where Risks were ignored

Corporate Risk Financing
- Risk Financing
- Risk Transfer: Commercial Insurance
- Impact of underlying risks on premium
- Utilisation of insurance in risk management strategy
- Common errors in insurance purchase
- Risk retention

Managing Specialised Risks
- Property Risk
- Crime Risk 
- E-Risk
- Technical Risk
- International Risk

Classification of Risks
- Gravity of risk
- Impact vs Likelihood
- Framework
- Severity Rate

Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
- A model that supports a Risk Management Plan / Programme
- Devising a BCP Model

Classroom Activity
Role Play 
 - Preparing a Risk Management Programme
- Conducting a Risk Assessment
- Identifying existing and potential risks
- Classifying risks with severity rate and likelihood  of occurrence
- Suggest Corrective Actions